Spring events

Photo: Lars Skaaning

Spring is for many people their favorite season. March, April and May are equal to daffodils, family traditions, pale green leaves and several hours of sunshine. In May you can enjoy the beautiful lilacs during the South Funen Days of the Lilacs, which is celebrated the 3 weekend in May.

Event Knitting by the Sea illustreret af strikkende hænder

Knitting by the Sea 26.-28. april

Børn løber train run i Svanninge Bakker med vue til Svanninge Kirke

Outdoor Sydfyns SKOV-event 4. maj

Fiskeri med net i Det Sydfynske Øhav

Geopark Dage 9.-12. maj

Syrener til Sydfynsk Forår og Sydfynske Syrendage

Syrenland midt i maj